Patriot RSL - My Gate Opens / Closes Slowly

Patriot RSL - My Gate Opens / Closes Slowly

When the gate is running slow the reason is most likely low battery voltage. Two things need to be considered. Battery condition (replace or charge) and what caused the battery to become discharged. Bad motor in actuator is also possible but not common.
Determine which situation your operator falls into below.

Solar Charged

If accessories are connected (keypads, loop detectors, any device powered by the battery) verify that the current draw needed to power them does not exceed the charging power of the solar panel. Verify that the charger is operating correctly; panel is facing a Southwestern direction and is not located in a shaded area. Inspect panel surface and wires for damage.

Test solar panel on a sunny day for correct voltage and current output. Remove solar panel plug from charge controller. Using a DC voltmeter, measure the DC voltage (should measure about 22 volts) and the DC current (should read about 300 ma) in the peak sun period. If either of these readings is incorrect the panel maybe defective please call the factory.

If none of the above check bad, then remove battery and have it load tested at a battery shop. Replace if bad.

AC Charged

If accessories are connected (keypads, loop detectors, any device powered by the battery) verify that the current draw needed to power them does not exceed the charging power of the charger. Not likely on AC charged system. Verify that charger is working correctly and inspect charger and wires for damage.
The USAutomatic charger does not output any voltage or current when disconnected from the battery. You cannot check charger by disconnecting from battery and measuring voltage output. To check charger refer to Charge controller operation check for details.
f none of the above check bad then remove battery and have it load tested at a battery shop. Replace if bad.