Patriot - Gate Will Not Operate and Battery Status is Good

Patriot - Gate Will Not Operate and Battery Status is Good

  1. Press the S5 button and hold. If gate operates a monitored entrapment device is not working or improperly setup.
  2. Identify the entrapment device installed (there could be more than 1) and verify it is operating correctly.
  3. If no contact edges are installed verify that all contact edge dipswitches are turned OFF. DS1 switch 6 and DS2 switch 4 must be OFF.
  4. If no photo eyes are installed verify that all photo eye dipswitches are turned OFF. DS1 switch 7 and switch 8 must be OFF.
You must have one of the 2 types of entrapment devices listed above for the gate to operate normally. You must have the correct dipswitches turned ON for the device connected.