Patriot - Gate Opens Using Transmitter, But Will Not Close Using Transmitter

Patriot - Gate Opens Using Transmitter, But Will Not Close Using Transmitter

LCR Receiver Only
  1. The problem is most likely the programming of the LCR receiver (transmitter button is programmed to the P2 channel).
  2. On the Patriot control board locate the “LED Indicator” pushbutton. Press and hold.
  3. Look in the lower left corner of the control board at the LED’s.
  4. Press the transmitter button and observe which LED comes ON.
  5. If the “Free Exit/Open Input” LED comes ON then the transmitter button is programmed to P2.
  6. Erase transmitter button from P2 channel.
  7. Program transmitter button to the P1 channel.
  8. If problem is not corrected, call the factory for further troubleshooting.