How to Hard Wire a DC Adapter to the Battery Controller

How to Hard Wire a DC Adapter to the Battery Controller


In this article you will learn how to hard wire a DC Adapter to the battery controller. Hard wiring a DC Adapter to the charge controller ensures a good connection is being made.

Applies to Part Number(s)

  1. 520001
  2. 520009

What You Need

  1. Wire Cutters/Strippers
  2. Small flat-head screwdriver


Ensure the DC adapter is unplugged from the outlet, neglecting to do so will result in damage to the DC adapter.

  1. Disconnect the DC Adapter from the charge controller and outlet.
  2. Use the wire cutters to cut off the barrel connector from the end of the DC adapter cable.
  3. Strip back the red and black wires to expose the bare wires.
  4. Open the screw terminals in the bottom left of the Charge Controller.
  5. Insert the red wire into the left terminal and the black wire into the right terminal, tightening the screws to secure the wires in place.
  6. Plug the DC adapter back into the outlet.