How to Hardwire the Battery Controller to a Battery

How to Hardwire the Battery Controller to a Battery


In this article you will learn how to hard-wire the battery controller to a battery. This is only necessary when the original wiring harness is not being used. This allows you to use the battery controller without purchasing an additional part.

Applies to Part Number(s)

  1. 520001

What You Need

  1. Flat head screw driver
  2. 2 wires with a ring terminal connected to one side of each wire
  3. A wrench, socket, or screwdriver for your battery connections
Make sure to connect the wires to the battery controller before connecting them to the battery. Failure to do so may result in sparking if the bare wires touch while connected to the battery.


Open the screw terminals in the bottom right of the battery controller.

Insert the positive wire into the left screw terminal and tighten the screw.

Insert the negative wire into the right screw terminal and tighten the screw.

Before proceeding, make sure there are no loose strands of wire hanging out of the terminals to avoid any chance of shorting out or causing sparks.

Connect the negative wire to the negative post of the battery.

Connect the positive wire to the positive post of the battery.

The charger's screen should turn on, indicating it has been connected correctly.

Connect the charge source.

Once the battery is connected to the battery controller, plug in the solar panel or DC adapter to the DC jack in the lower left corner of the controller. The battery will begin charging at this time.